The Values Of A Company

The Values Of A Company

Douglas MalagonDairdre Dairdre
The Values Of A Company (In this Photo: FMV9 Focus Mitts, BXP1 Target Pads) Mr. Wong founded Fairtex in 1971. The company focused on textiles. Fai...
Can you hear his name? and more...

Can you hear his name? and more...

AbelardoDairdre Dairdre
Can you hear his name? (In this photo: BS0639 Fortune Black) The warrior from Surin took the stage at ONE Lumpinee. He’s been on a run of great f...
Wise Words From Kru Chao and more...

Wise Words From Kru Chao and more...

FairtexArien Ramos
Wise Words From Kru Chao (In this photo: Fairtex KPLC5 Muay Thai Lightweight Thai Pads)Training in Thailand is different than in the west. The heat...
Ferrari fights Tapakaow – Number 4! and more...

Ferrari fights Tapakaow – Number 4! and more...

Brazilian Jiu JitsuArien Ramos
Ferrari fights Tapakaow – Number 4! (In this photo: Fairtex BGV14 Blue Boxing Gloves, Fairtex KPLC5 Muay Thai Pads, Fairtex FMV9 Contoured Focus Mi...

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